What to Do If You Test Positive For Covid 19 Virus
If you are experiencing the following symptoms:
Fever (38º celsius or higher), chills, sore throat, difficulty breathing/shortness of breath, new loss of taste or smell, muscle or body aches, cough (not due to another known cause). A combination of any of the following symptoms also warrant a symptomatic test: nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, headache, fatigue, congestion or runny nose.
Take a rapid antigen test
A PRESHCO test can be taken during office hours or a test can be purchased in any pharmacy (test rápido de antígenos).
2. Communicate your results through SLACK to Encarni Muñoz via DM.
POSITIVE RESULT: Do your best to isolate as much as possible. Stay home to recuperate from your symptoms. When you return to normal activity, wear a tight-fitting mask at all times.
3. Inform your CLOSE CONTACTS (people with whom you have been in contact the 24 hours previous of testing positive, for at least 15 minutes, without a mask and in a closed space) that you tested positive for COVID.
Do your best to isolate as much as possible. You may maintain normal activity, but MUST wear a tight-fitting mask at all times.
You should continue with your normal activities including attending class. However, you should always wear a mask, try to keep at a safe distance, and monitor for any COVID-related symptoms.