Housing & Meals
“I enjoyed living with a host family in Spain as it allowed me to practice my Spanish more, learn about local history and customs, and eat local cuisine I would not have known how to cook on my own. ”
You will live and eat all meals in a private home with a Spanish host or family. PRESHCO has researched, cultivated and maintained relationships with families over a long period of time and they are carefully selected before being part of the program.
The “family” may vary in number but there are always several Spanish-speakers. Some are headed by traditional parents in their forties to sixties, others by single women in their twenties to sixties, some by young couples (who may or may not be married, who may be of two sexes or each of the same sex), and still others by two brothers who are pursuing graduate degrees and wish to share their home. You will most likely find living in Spain exciting and culturally enriching. Your Spanish will certainly improve if you concentrate on speaking Spanish and resist the temptation to spend your time with english speakers. You will find that there is much more community life expressed in streets, parks, and eating establishments than in the US.