Street-Smarts in Spain


- Do not hitchhike

- Do not accept rides from strangers

- Be constantly aware of your surroundings and keep your possessions close to you at all times.

- Exercise with a friend (especially at dusk or after dark)

- If you are out late at night, call a taxi to return home.

- Do not resist if you are the intended victim of a mugger or pickpocketer.


 Even though Cordoba feels like a relatively small, and safe, place, it is still a large city and in an unknown culture, so everyone needs to be especially attentive to their surroundings. While you needn’t walk in fear, you should maintain a sense of alertness while you are on the streets—especially at night, but even during the day if you are in crowded places, or in places where there are very few other people.

  • Do not walk the streets alone late at night; the more people you have with you, the better, especially if they are Spaniards (i.e., compañeros de conversación). If you go out, try to make arrangements to return home with a friend who lives nearby, so you won't have to go home alone. Or even better, call a taxi.

  • Always carry emergency numbers with you: police, fire, ambulance (equivalent to 911). This number should be on your phone—ideally as a speed dial.

    The following numbers should be on your phone (ideally as speed-dials):

    • Central number for emergencies (police, fire, ambulance): 112

    • Police: 091 or 092

    • Centro de la Mujer de Córdoba: 957003400

    • Taxis in Córdoba: Call 957764444 or 957450000. Or you can download the application on your mobile phone and order a taxi- PideTaxi. Or you can send a WhatsApp message to +34 677 55 54 44. Always keep taxi money with you. Taxis are quite inexpensive. Normally, taxi drivers wait until you enter, or you can ask the driver to wait outside the door of your house or apartment until you get inside.

  • Program all of the staff’s cell numbers on your phone. More information will be given in the orientation as to how to manage emergencies.

  • Recommendation: When you go out at night, do not carry anything with you that you are not willing to lose

  • Carry only as much cash as you think you’ll need.

  • Do not carry your actual passport (carry a photocopy instead). Carry credit or ATM cards in a safe place (money belt or pouch).

  • Recommendation: Carry a small amount of cash for emergencies (taxi, or loss of credit/ATM cards, or in case you are robbed).

  • BE CAUTIOUS AROUND STRANGERS: Use your “radar”. If you see someone who seems to be acting oddly or in ways that cause you to feel uncomfortable, try to avoid eye contact and look for a safe place. 

  • TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. If a situation “feels wrong”, it probably is. Better to be safe than sorry. Walk away or find a safe place to be.


- Don't try to resist, especially if the person has a weapon. It is not worth risking your life, or even your safety, for a few euros (and this is another reason why you should not carry with you anything that you are not prepared to lose!)

-Try to walk away quickly and find a safe place, preferably with other people.

- Call the police immediately to report the crime. The sooner you report, the greater the chance that the police will be able to apprehend the perpetrator. The number to call is: 112 (which you should put onto your phone as a speed dial)

- Call a staff member

Keep your PRESHCO card with important telephone numbers on it in a handy place. Keep at least a minimal “saldo” on your cell phone, so that you can call for emergency, taxi service or medical attention, or to contact program staff.  

Also you can click on here and read OTHER TIPS ABOUT SAFETY